Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why I Chose Chapter 3 Slowing The Momentum Of Women,s Rights.

I am a strong believer that everyone is equal. Dealing with race, gender, or anything else we are all humans and we all deserve equal rights. It always fascinated me on how in the early days these rights were non exsistant and sit and wonder what would the world be like if it was like that now? I was always curious of the process it took for women to finally get their rights and how men felt about it when it happened but never really looked in into it so wih this as one of the choices for our first blog, I was excited about working on it.

Summary of Chapter 3 Slowing the Momentum of Women's Rights
In the introduction,Streitmatter talks about how women's right became such a reveloution. Streitmatter discusses how men ran the fourth estate which resulted in journalism not focusing on the women's movement greatly. Streitmatter talks about what women were thought to do back then. They were expected to stay at home. Clean the house, cook, take care of the children. They were never expected by men to voice their opinions or feelings on anything.
Streitmatter then begins to discuss the process of the womens movement begging in Seneca Falls. He talks about a women named Elizabeth Cady Stanton. He states that she was one of the women trying to gain more rights for the rest of her gender. Streitmatter also speaks about the man ruled newspapers would put down the w omens movement, calling the women and men who defended them hurtful names.
Women then began to get very serious about gaining their rights, and started pushing the women's revolution. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony started the revolution trying the spread the word of the women's need for equal rights. However the male lead newspapers shut it down. Then some of the women began the break apart as some were very serious about gaining the rights as Stanton and Anthony, while others were not to concerned, were layed back and weren't as assertive as the others.
Enough is Enough
Women began to push as man began to fight against them. Men wanted to target the head of the revolution so they went right after Susan B. Anthony with awful comments about her. With the papers still killing all women s revolution topics the women's movement reformed the force a stronger fight, and formed The National Women's Suffrage Association. They started forming acts to gain their right in public, which lead to many of the women being arrested and getting harassed. A women named Carrie Chapman Catt then formed her winning plan which lead to the nignteenth amendment which reads,The right of citizens of The United States to vote should not be denied or abridged by The United States or by any state on the account of sex. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.   
Many Mens Veiws
Even with the women gaining their right to vote in the nineteenth amendment the men still didn't take them serious and hated the idea of them having equal rights as them. Streitmatter talks about how the men in control of the paper wrote headlines about the women not holding anything back trying anything they could to stop the revolution where it was. The Worseter Telegraph  said about the women " amazons who were bolting with a vengeance" . But the times have changed now. We are all equals. Men, Women can do the same thing, and I believe its only a matter of time before a women becomes president of The United States of America. Some men are still living in the past not ok with women having equal rights and in some ways women being stronger then them but its time to grow up and face the fact that were all in this world together as one.


  1. I like how personal you are in your blog and i like the pictures you have.

  2. You have good images that work well with your blog. Blog is very informational

  3. There are a lot of facts in this blog. I like it; you have a balance of text and images.

  4. I love how you chose this topic especially since you are a man. Very interesting to read about things from a different standpoint. I also really liked your last photo with the balance between man and woman.

  5. You had a good balance of images and text. Each of the images worked well with what you were talking about.

  6. The background was a little dark and I found it hard to focus on the reading. The text was a little boring but got more engaging as I read on. All in all nice job

  7. Good work, John. I think this post could really shine with a tad bit of revision. I like the balance of text and images, and I like the impassioned tone you take on behalf of women's rights.
